The Sports Roundup Week 14: The Return of Israel Folau?

Hello and welcome back to the Sports Roundup! It’s been a massive couple of weeks in the sporting world, so let’s get straight into it! Here are my Top 5 Sporting Moments of the Week: 5. The Tokyo Olympics are hanging by a strand. As each day passes, the chances of the Olympics taking place…

The End of Israel Folau

Israel Folau and Rugby Australia have finally reached a confidential settlement, including a written apology to each other over Israel Folau’s anti-gay religious views. Folau’s journey over the past 8 months has been filled with ups and downs. Initially, the drama highlighted the hypocrisy of Folau, Rugby Australia and the media ( Folau said that…

Should we protect Religious Freedom?

Religious discrimination and religious freedom are hot topics in society today. Individuals on both sides argue whether people should be able to freely speak their opinion regarding their religious beliefs or if restraints should be put in place. The recent Israel Folau saga has particularly highlighted the issue, with Folau’s contract terminated due to a…

Why I Love Israel Folau

One man and his terminated contract have split Australia evenly into two camps. When a multi-million-dollar player, an icon of Australian sport is sacked, it is bound to create news headlines, but this case has continued longer than most expected and isn’t stopping anytime soon. Regardless of the legal aspect of the case, and irrespective…

Israel Folau Sacked

The lucrative four-year, 4-million-dollar contract has been terminated by Rugby Australia today. Israel Folau had been found guilty of a “high level” breach of his contract and today’s decision has bought an end to the ongoing saga…for now (an appeal by Israel Folau on religious grounds is possible within the next 72 hours). Rugby Australia…

Israel Folau – The Revolving Door of Hypocrisy

Israel Folau has been scrutinised recently following controversial and ‘discriminatory’ comments posted onto his Instagram declaring “homosexuals (among other listed categories of people) will go to hell”. This is a recurring issue for Folau who came under fire last year for similar comments. In response, Rugby Australia issued him with a breach notice (termination of…