Euthanasia is an increasingly talked about topic within society today. It is controversial and personal, but lobby groups are already flooding support for legislative change. This begs the question, should euthanasia be legalised? 

I want to start by making this very clear, euthanasia is terrible. Whenever a life is lost, it is immensely distressing for all parties involved. It must be a last resort, and it cannot be a rushed decision. This is not a conversation I want to have, but I feel it is a conversation we need to have.

Euthanasia is a deliberate, intentional act of one person to end the life of another person to relieve that person’s suffering. It is categorised into three types; voluntary, non-voluntary and involuntary. I will never support the legalisation of non-voluntary or involuntary euthanasia as the patient is unable to provide consent. Voluntary euthanasia involves the patient making the request, and I believe there can be more justification for this process.

In Australia, Victoria and Western Australia have created legislation which legalises forms of euthanasia. Victoria introduced the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill in 2017, which permitted assisted suicide. These are some critical aspects of the bill:

  • A person must be suffering from an incurable, advanced and progressive disease, illness or medical conditions, and experiencing intolerable suffering
  • The condition must be assessed by two medical practitioners to be expected to cause death within six months
  • A person must be over the age of 18
  • The patient must make three requests for the procedure, and the question of assisted dying must be raised by the patient, not the doctor
  • If the doctor objects to the procedure, they have a week to inform the patient and are under no obligation to continue

You may not agree with me, but I feel these checks and balances are positive and crucial. They ensure that the patient is making the decision. They allow the rights of the doctor to be maintained. The assessment is undertaken by independent doctors and time is given to allow for no impulse decisions.

Terri Eskdale revealed his support for voluntary euthanasia laws after she witnessed her partner’s unfortunate death. Mark had battled multiple sclerosis for decades, tragically ending in him taking his own life. Terri reflected on the events by stating that without the option of voluntary assisted dying laws, Mark’s death was lonely and caused his family great pain.

She stated that “People should be able to choose a time to die and have people, loved ones around them and die free of trauma because people are killing themselves already. People are ending their lives in unusually cruel ways anyway.”

Her statement reflects an argument presented by pro-euthanasia advocates. Through legalising euthanasia, it allows it to be regulated and for procedures to be put in place. It is similar to the issue of abortion. If an action is going to take place regardless, we must ensure the safety of all people involved first. However, my fear is that legalisation will then give rise to further legislation surrounding non-voluntary and involuntary euthanasia. This I will not support.

Other pro-euthanasia advocates believe that every patient has a right to choose when to die. The words ‘right to die’ doesn’t sit well with me. Is it just the words, or is it the message? I think people should have the right o make the best decision for themselves.

However, there are also many arguments against euthanasia. People believe that it could never truly be controlled as doctors could leave cases unreported. Moreover, the ethical issues that accepting euthanasia accepts that some lives are worth less than others or weakens society’s respect for the sanctity of life are highly valid.

So, where do I stand?

Well, my opinions on this topic and continuously changing as I speak to more people and read new perspectives. Although, I believe that a person has the right to make the best decision for themselves and if they are going through a period of intolerable, incurable and constant suffering, I understand the need for euthanasia situation.

However, two things must be ensured first. The system must be faultless, and every stage must be checked, double-checked and triple checked. When you are dealing with life, no mistakes can be made. Also, the decision must be placed in the hands of the patient. The doctor should never be in a position to make the decision for the patient, regardless of the circumstance.

Where do you stand? As euthanasia becomes more publicised and becomes an issue for governments, they will soon be asking for your opinion. Should it be legalised, or should it remain illegal?

25 thoughts on “Should euthanasia be legalised?

  1. Very well said. A couple things jump out at me, not disagreeing, but from a legal perspective or should I say government intervention, less government the better. For that point and as you do note, a doctor should never make that call. That is the patient’s decision. On another note I think you mean when somebody is in a comma and declared brain dead. This gets tricky unless there is some do not resuscitate or will, legal document to stop all treatment with no mechanical or medical intervention to keep somebody alive. That would have to be made in advance. Psychological evaluations should be done also in all cases. As you note and I agree it should be witnessed with medical professionals agreeing so that the process can be done safely and with care. Any law around this should fix the insurance industry so that life benefits pay out. Presently in the US at least with suicide of any type those benefits do not. I’m not sure about that in the areas of the US I mentioned in my blog where it is considered legal for assisted suicide. This was very good and loops in those two points I did not consider but do agree with you on them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much for your kind words and your comment. I believe that when the patient can not make the decision, then euthanasia should not be legal. I don’t think the right to take a life should be given to a doctor or someone else, or that they have the burden of that decision. The issue of mental health is complicated. Do you think someone with a mental illness should be denied euthanasia?

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I agree most with the part that it’s nice for people to have the option to decide what’s best for them. It’s way less cruel than killing yourself on your own, by my opinion. Nice article.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I think that is definitely valid. I think when there is a case of mental illness, and that impedes the patient’s ability to make a decision, then euthanasia should not be allowed. What do you think about that?


  3. God, I m a true Believer, tells us in Ecclesiastes, I forgot where that there is time for everything, even to die and, no matter what, I would never take it from God.
    Your post is very interesting and informative, thank you. It is good to share other people’s beliefs at times. Keeps you sharp.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I believe that anyone with the right information and education has the ability to make an informed decision, however if a person is deemed mental unfit then this is a decision that can be made for many illnesses not just mental illness.
        This topic is a good one because there are people on certain medication that could render them mentally unfit to make a decision or some other type of infection that has them confused for a short period. so I do agree that if they are medically certified by more than one professional they are unfit, well that’s fair enough but this is a tough one in that No one is always mentally well in such traumatic and distressing times. When someone is facing the facts they are going to die, who is mentally stable in this instance?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yes, but I believe that specialised doctors in the field of mental health can adequately determine when someone is suffering from a mental illnes. If this impedes their capacity to make the decision, then I don’t think euthanasia should be an option. It shouldn’t be up to someone else to decide if someone dies. That puts them in a positino which is unfair, and at the very least uncomfortable.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. The checks and balances are good, in my opinion. I have always found it fascinating that we put down animals, that have no say, but when a person asks for it over and over with a terrible disease, they are not given that opportunity. Watching my father die of lung cancer was terrible. He faded so fast. He asked to be put to sleep… it was sad. The drug companies sure did make their money off of him before he passed away though. Sadly, the drug companies play a huge role in all of this. Great post!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. 100% support this legalisation. I loved reading all the comments, very interesting , but after caring for my best friend who suffered terribly with her cancer, nursing many patients that had long horrific deaths I truly believe that people should have the choice to end their suffering. I truly believe that all parties want their loved one to NOT suffer, no matter how heart breaking it is for those of us left behind.
    Interesting topic

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much for your comment and sharing your personal experiences. This legislation will also be difficult as it is so personal and deals with the most fragile aspects of life. I hope we can find a pathway which always seeks to protect each other.


  6. Yes that’s right otherwise we cross a line and put people’s lives at risk of others making that desicion for them, but for all the wrong reasons.
    Our basic human right is the right to make our own desicions.

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